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    Eve Cork Blog

    15 Celebs You Didn't Know Were Vegan

    15 Celebs You Didn't Know Were Vegan

    1. Ellie Goulding
    Ellie Goulding Vegan

    The extremely talented British singer-songwriter admits being vegan is a challenge, but that doesn’t stop her from hitting her nutrition goals.

    “I call myself an aspiring vegan. It’s challenging, but not impossible. You just have to eat or drink a lot of greens. I make green juice for myself almost every day. I put in things like bananas, avocado, spinach, broccoli—whatever’s in my fridge, really. Sweet-potato fries and salad is my absolute favorite thing. It’s the perfect meal. I eat a lot of quinoa and nuts too, but I also love eating chips. It’s actually easy to be a bad vegan because a lot of junk foods are vegan!” ~Ellie Golding

    2. Miley Cyrus

    Miley Cyrus Vegan

    Miley is undoubtedly one of the most well-known vegans in the music industry, and her transition into veganism started at an early age.

    “The reason that I started this was because I had a fish that was highly intelligent. He really knew who I was, he really got excited when I was home. One day I went to a sushi restaurant with a few of my friends and they were serving blowfish. And I thought, this is an intelligent animal.” ~Miley Cyrus

    3. Ariana Grande

    Ariana Grande Vegan

    In November of 2013, Ariana decided to entirely change her diet to vegan with health and happiness being her biggest motivators.

    “I love animals more than I love most people, not kidding. But I am a firm believer in eating a full plant-based, whole food diet that can expand your life length and make you an all-around happier person. It is tricky dining out, but I just stick to what I know — veggies, fruit and salad — then when I get home I'll have something else.” ~Ariana Grande

    4. Joaquin Phoenix

    Joaquin Phoenix Vegan

    Joaquin was a large influence on Ellen DeGeneres’s decision to go vegan, with his extremely powerful narration of Earthlings the documentary.

    “I’ve been a vegan since I was about 3 years old and involved in animal rights for years. I’ve seen a number of animal rights films throughout the years, none has affected me as profoundly as Earthlings.” ~Joaquin Phoenix

    5. Natalie Portman

    Natalie Portman Vegan

    Once a vegetarian for 20 years, Natalie transitioned into eating 100% vegan in 2009 after she read Jonathan Safran’s Eating Animals, and now refers to herself as a vegan activist.

    “Everyone has to find what is right for them, and it is different for everyone. Eating for me is how you proclaim your beliefs three times a day. That is why all religions have rules about eating. Three times a day, I remind myself that I value life and do not want to cause pain to or kill other living beings. That is why I eat the way I do.” ~Natalie Portman

    6. Liam Hemsworth

    Liam Hemsworth Vegan

    Some might say it was Miley Cyrus’s influence on Liam fully committing to veganism, but he himself claims otherwise.

    "I have a lot of friends who are vegan. Woody Harrelson was actually one of the original reasons I became vegan, because he’s been vegan for, I don’t know, 30 years or something.” ~Liam Hemsworth

    7. Ellen Page

    Ellen Page Vegan

    Stemming from her core belief in social justice, Ellen has a very strong emotional tie to veganism and is pretty outspoken about it.

    “Why are vegans made fun of while the inhumane factory farming process regards animals and the natural world merely as commodities to be exploited for profit?” ~Ellen Page

    8. Jessica Chastain

    Jessica Chastain Vegan

    The daughter of a vegan chef, Jessica has been a vegetarian for over fifteen years and a vegan for eight.

    “I’m a vegan. I don't want to torture anything. I guess its about trying to live a life where I’m not contributing to the cruelty in the world.” ~Jessica Chastain

    9. Alicia Silverstone

    Alicia Silverstone Vegan

    Actress, producer, author and activist, Alicia became a vegan in 1998 after she attended an animal rights meeting.

    “Nothing’s changed my life more. I feel better about myself as a person, being conscious and responsible for my actions […] Can’t think of anything better in the world [than being] vegan” ~Alicia Silverstone

    10. Ellen DeGeneres

    Ellen DeGeneres Vegan

    As one of the most famous television personalities, Ellen has been a vocal animal advocate in the past and uses her famous show to bring awareness to the mainstream audience.

    “I became vegan because I saw footage of what really goes on in the slaughterhouses and the dairy farms” ~Ellen DeGeneres

    11. Woody Harrelson

    Woody Harrelson vegan

    Being a vegan for more than 11 years, Woody initially turned vegan after learning he was lactose intolerant.

    “Really, my message is simple. It’s a message of compassion. In this world that is spinning madly out of control, we have to realize that we’re all related. We have to try to live harmoniously.” ~Woody Harrelson

    12.  Casey Affleck

    Casey Affleck Vegan

    An avid animal rights advocate, Casey urges his fans to avoid meat, calling it “poison” not only because it is the product of animal cruelty, but also because it is a health nightmare.

    “Imagine living in a cage in the dark, unable to move, day after day. The suffering of today’s American farm animals is almost beyond belief. They don't have a choice, but you do, and their lives depend on it.” ~Casey Affleck

    13. Sia

    Sia Vegan

    Sia is definitely shining bright like a diamond - she decided to go vegan in May 2014 in a tweet she revealed to the world.

    “I’m vegan all the way!” ~Sia

    14. Stevie Wonder

    Stevie Wonder Vegan

    A vegan since 2014, Stevie is passionate about making our planet greener and spreading the vegan lifestyle far and wide.

    "I'm motivating people to do something about how we are living on this planet […] We have to be about making our planet more greener, the urban areas more sustainable for the children” ~Stevie Wonder

    15. Peter Dinklage

    Peter Dinklage Vegan

    The Game of Thrones superstar has been a vegetarian since childhood and more recently a vegan, doing his part to end the suffering of routine abuse in factory farms.

    “I like animals, all animals. I wouldn’t hurt a cat or a dog or a chicken or a cow. And I wouldn’t ask someone else to hurt them for me. That’s why I’m vegan.” ~Peter Dinklage

    10 Sustainable Travel Tips

    10 Sustainable Travel Tips

    Eve Cork Travel Sustainable

    Traveling with the greater good of our planet in mind can sometimes be difficult, but if every traveler had the same mindset (and implemented these travel tips) our collective impact could be unbelievable! Remember, we are guests on this planet we call Earth and it is our duty to protect it to the best of our ability. With that said, we put together a list of 10 impactful ways to decrease your carbon footprint while traveling across the world!

    Book non-stop flights

    travel eve cork sunset flight sustainable

    If you aren’t able to take a train, boat or bus, you may be stuck flying to your destination. Don’t you worry, though! Booking a non-stop flight is one way to lessen your carbon footprint and have a clean(er) impact on the environment compared to connecting flights.

    Take a S’Well  bottle!

    S'Well bottle travel water sustainable

    Photo Via: @axelandash

    Being sustainable while traveling can be as easy as packing a BPA-free refillable water bottle. BPA is an industrial chemical that has been used to make certain plastics and resins that are melted to make cheap water bottles and containers - awful for the environment. Consider packing a refillable bottle such as a S’Well Bottle to maximize your sustainability (and style). S’Well Bottles keep your drinks cold for 24 hours and hot for 12, while giving back to those in need. Now that’s something the #EveCommunity can get behind!

    S'well Biography from Swell Bottle on Vimeo.

    Volunteer while traveling

    Volunteer Forever Sustainable travel

    The hardest part of volunteering abroad is finding the perfect fit in terms of your location, desires, and level of impact. An amazing NGO called Volunteer Forever takes the guesswork and headache out of finding a great volunteer program because it shouldn’t be hard to help. Their 3 step program allows you to pick a program, plan and fundraise for your involvement, and share your experience. You first search by location, then decide how you can have the best impact as a volunteer by choosing from various project types such as medical, education, conservation, career oriented, or community assistance. If you’d like to learn more about Volunteer Forever, here is how it works.

    Stay in an Eco-Lodge

    Eco lodge travel sustainable eve cork

    An eco-lodge is one of the most sustainable accommodations (other than camping) a traveler can choose to remain eco-friendly. Eco lodges emphasize elements of environmental responsibility through renewable energy sources, recycling services, eco-friendly toiletries, energy-efficient lighting, organic linens and towels, non-toxic cleaning supplies and most importantly water conservation methods.

    Cook if you have a kitchen!

    Cook kitchen food travel sustainable vegan

    If you are staying at a hostel or hotel with a kitchen, cook homemade meals from locally sourced food. This not only helps the surrounding economy and community but reduces your overall consumption impact by a large multiple. As many countries rely heavily on travel as an important pillar for their economic GDP, it is important for guests to give back as much as they can. A great way contribute as a tourist is by shopping at the local food markets and buying as much as possible locally - not to mention this is a great way to learn about the culture and community.

    Donate unused items

    Volunteer Gift Sustainable

    Those of you that have backpacked or traveled for an extensive time know that many of the things you bring you may end up not needing. If this is the case, you can donate your extra clothing and accessories to the less-fortunate or find a local non-profit to help out.

    Buy carbon offset

    David Suzuki Travel Sustainable Carbon

    One of the most impactful decisions you can make while traveling is to pay for carbon offset - a reduction in emissions of carbon dioxide or greenhouse gasses made in order to compensate for or offset an emission made elsewhere. In other words, you can mitigate the environmental footprint of your travel by paying a carbon offset fee to replace the emission you caused during your flight. This is done through NGOs such as the David Suzuki Foundation

    Travel during the off-season

    Plane travel eve cork sustainable eco friendly

    This may be obvious, but traveling when there is a smaller demand for flights is not only cheaper but more economical. The off-season provides a more authentic experience for the traveler, as they can absorb the true culture of the destination by genuinely experiencing how locals go about their daily lives. Oh, and there are smaller crowds and more wiggle room financially.

    Keep an open mind - interact with the locals :)

    Travel Sustainable Eco-Friendly

    The most valuable element of travel is the people you meet along the way, and by keeping an open mind and saying “heck yes!” to new experiences you will have a purely authentic trip.

    (Obviously) Pack light with sustainable Eve Cork bag!

    Fashion Veggie Vegan PETA Sustainable Travel

    [Insert shameless plug here…] No, but seriously though. Packing a lightweight Preston Duffle for your travels is a great start your sustainable eco-friendly trip! Our premium cork fabric embodies a timeless approach to fashion, with sustainability and the greater good of our planet in mind. The cork fabric makes our bags soft, lightweight, and as durable as traditional leather while being waterproof and antibacterial. Need we say more? Well… we should also mention every Eve Cork product is PETA Vegan Approved as well.

    Terra Duffle Travel Bag Sustainable Eve Cork

    Preston Duffle Eve Cork PETA Vegan Approved Travel Sustainable

    Whether you’re jet-setting across the world or planning a road trip, the Preston is spacious enough to stow all of our everyday essentials, while small enough to be the perfect carry-on companion.

    Top 7 Travel Accounts on Instagram

    Top 7 Travel Accounts on Instagram

    Featured Image Via: @origin.destiny

    We have all been there. Scrolling through Instagram contemplating packing up your life and jet-setting across the world. As most of us don’t have that ability at the moment (damn responsibilities!), we have to settle for our fix of wanderlust in others ways. Instagram is a great start! These 7 Instagram accounts will have you visually captivated and (spoiler alert) might convince you to drop everything for a life abroad.

    1. Jeff Duke - @jeffduke_ |

    Jeff Duke - Lifestyle Over Luxury

    For the last six years, Jeff has traveled Central America, Australia, Europe, Indonesia, and North America where he found his true passion for photography after ditching business school and selling everything he had. This lead Jeff to create a socially conscious clothing brand called Lifestyle Over Luxury - making socially and eco-conscious apparel for the modern adventurer. The best part? For every item sold by L/L an entire garbage bag of plastic is cleaned up off beaches and prevented from entering our oceans! 

    Eve Cork - Preston Duffle Bag - Lifestyle Over Luxury

    Lifestyle Over Luxury - Eve Cork - Preston Duffle
    2. Sabina - @girlvsglobe |

    Sabina is a photographer/blogger with a passion for responsible travel, fashion, and food. Visiting many countries around the world (Austria, China, England, Germany, Greece, Ireland and Morocco to name a few), Sabina has an amazing eye for the moment. She captures incredible experiences during her travels and has an amazing storytelling ability to provide her followers with the right context. Seriously, check out these photos! 

    3. Clint Johnston - @triphackr | 

    Eve Cork - Top 10 Instagram Travel Accounts -01

    Clint has visited over 105 countries (and counting) in just over a decade of traveling with one goal in mind - to show his followers how to Upgrade Your Adventure. He does this by “travel hacking” - getting the most out of your travel experiences, using travel hacks, and finding the best resources available to book a great trip. These hacks have enabled Clint to experience the world, and we are damn happy he can share that with us on Instagram. 

    Instagram Travel Account - 04

    Instagram Travel Account - 05

    4.  Jake Graham - @jakegrahamphoto |

    Top 10 Travel Accounts on Instagram - 03

    Jake is a photographer from Toronto, Canada who seriously knows how to capture a moment. Scrolling through his account you will discover National Geographic-level photography with his own personal twist (in some photos, Jake can be found rocking a red jacket to reveal the sheer scale of the shot). His photography is primarily landscapes, the night sky, and his many travel adventures.

    Instagram Travel Account - 06

    Instagram Travel Account - 07

    5. Sailing La Vagabonde - @elayna__c |

    Top 10 Instagram Travel Accounts - 07

    Riley and Elayna are an Australian couple traveling the world by sail, despite having no sailing experience when they first began. They document their daily encounters on their Youtube Channel and curate the best photos from their adventures on Instagram. If you’re looking for an outlet to experience the great open seas without leaving your comfy couch, you need to check out their pages! Expect crazy storms, encounters with real life pirates, equipment failures, and most importantly amazing photos of the Mediterranean, Atlantic, Caribbean and Pacific Ocean.

    Top 10 Instagram Travel Accounts - 08

    Top 10 Instagram Travel Accounts - 09

    6. Stephanie Steinman - @lepostcard | 

    Top 10 Travel Instagram Accounts - 09

    Stephanie's photos are an inspiration for those who love a good beach hangout - palm trees, margaritas and hammocks fill her feed with amazing colors and destinations. When she's not flying around the world searching for the best beaches, hotels, restaurants and hangouts, this travel journalist can be found in her native Los Angeles. It's easy to see why Stephanie has chosen the @lepostcard handle, as her adventures and photography are unbelievably picturesque - straight out of a postcard.

    Eve Cork - Top 10 Travel Accounts on Instagram - 11

     Eve Cork - Top 5 Instagram Accounts for Travel - 01

     7. Oneika The Traveller - @oneikatraveller | 
    Best Travel Instagram Accounts - Eve Cork Handbags Oneika is an experienced globe-trotter having been to 95 countries and counting, documenting her experiences on TV, YouTube, her blog, and most importantly sharing her breathtaking photos with us on Instagram. Her intense passion for travel, culture, and language is amplified through her commitment to demystify issues surrounding diversity and travel for oft-marginalized groups.

    Eve Cork - Top Instagram Travel Accounts

    Instagram's Best Travel Photos - Eve Cork

    5 Toronto Coffee Shops For The Weekend Explorer

    5 Toronto Coffee Shops For The Weekend Explorer

    We take coffee shops and backpacks pretttty seriously, so this was a post we were pretty excited to write. 

    If you've been following us on Instagram, you may have heard the news that we've recently expanded our line to include *drumroll*... backpacks!

    Genesis Backpack featured above.

    We are thrilled about our new lineup and we are designing a few more new styles to launch later this year. (These are limited quantity- so definitely get them before they're gone!)

    Your backpack is like your right hand man. Home to your laptop, charger (when you remember to throw it in your bag).. pens, wallet, the book you're currently devouring.. It's kind of like your best friend. It's also kind of like a significant other based on the amount of coffee dates you have together. 

    Montana Backpack featured above.

    We know there's a lot of Eve Community members who live in Toronto, and this post is for you! Our vibrant city has so much to offer in the form of art, music, culture, community, and most ;).

    For all you Urban Explorers, grab your Eve backpack, pack up your camera and head out on a day-date to drink great coffee and see our great city. Here's 5 of our favourites. 


    1: Baddies Coffee

    Espresso drinks & creative brunch fare served in a chill cafe with whitewashed exposed-brick walls. 


    2: Tucana Coffee

    A small boutique espresso bar on Dundas that packs a lot of punch. 


    3. Boxcar Social

    Enjoy a curated, rotating list of coffees from the best roasters in the world.


    4: Maman Toronto 

    A charming cafe and bakery channeling Southern France. 


    5: Jimmy's Coffee

    A snug espresso bar for espresso drinks, and of course- pastries. 


    Have a favourite coffee shop in the city? Comment below! Stay tuned for our new backpack designs launching this Spring. 

    Face the Foliage

    Face the Foliage

    “Artists from all over the world tried to make their art and eke out of a living in this part of Paris. This convergence gave rise to a kind of vagabond lifestyle where the pursuit of wealth and other traditional indicators of success were abandoned in favour of a creative life and an active engagement in the search for alternative ideals of beauty.

    This search for alternative lifestyles and aesthetics continues today- especially in response to a corporate cubicle culture that can sap the creative spirit out of anybody. Today’s bohemians seek to erase the distinctions between work and play, and our living spaces reflect that lack of boundaries. The new bohemian home is a multifunctional playground for exploration and experimentation: It is an office, an art gallery, a showroom, a daycare, a photo and music studio, even a pop-up restaurant, or all of these. Our new bohemian lifestyle is rooted in freedom: free-spirited, free form, and free of rules.

    We chase free wi-fi. We blog from Brooklyn laundromats, and we check our email barefoot in Tulum. We are vintage hounds. We are resourceful and profoundly creative."


    -Excerpt from The New Bohemians by Justina Blakeney.


    If there was one book we bought last year that we would recommend to all of our friends, it was hands down The New Bohemians. Justina’s book tours 20 incredible homes, shares tips and ideas for your own space- and, our favourite: includes a plant growing guide.

    We love Justina for many reasons like her fun loving free spirit and her eclectic and vintage style. We also love, Face the Foliage. #FacetheFoliage is a communal hashtag that Justina started where she encourages people to create portraits made from leaves and flowers. It’s therapeutic and very fun. (We can attest, we’ve tried it!)

    So if you’re looking for something fun to do next weekend- treat yourself to a bouquet at the beginning of the week, and then zen out next weekend with a little creative art project.

    Take a peek at the gallery below of other people’s masterpieces.













    Looking for more botanical inspiration? Be sure to follow along on Pinterest! Thanks for reading! If you make your own flower portrait, be sure to tag us @eve.cork so we can see!